3 – Last Spring Candle Workshop (evening)
10 – Flowers for Mom – Kinusaiga & Candles
17 – Fragrance Blending workshop
In addition to the private Spellcraft Experience we offer workshops & other crafting events from time to time.
There is nothing more rewarding than making things with your own hands and tapping into your creative source! Sometimes, what you create is magical, perfect, & beautiful….and sometimes, it’s the process of learning a new craft or trying something new where the beauty is found. At Spellcraft Curator you don’t have to be a professional artist, you just have to be willing to find joy in creating!
22 – Spring Candle Workshop – FULL
12 – Pysanky/Ukranian Eggs
26 – Spring Candle Workshop – FULL
3 – Last Spring Candle Workshop (evening)
10 – Flowers for Mom – Kinusaiga & Candles
17 – Fragrance Blending workshop
If you are an artist or crafter with your own business that thinks you’d be a good fit to be a guest teacher at Spellcraft Curator, please contact us at (707) 684-1651 or send a message using our ‘contact’ form.